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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy

    With a focus on high-impact literacy and numeracy practices, our inclusive learning community challenges students at their independent levels. We believe that staff, families and partners work alongside students to support them in reaching their highest academic and personal potentials. Everyone at Horse Hill is a learner and a leader, making their learning journey together. Student confidence and citizenship is facilitated through an emphasis on global citizenship, conflict resolution and self-regulation. We offer regular programming from Kindergarten to Grade 6, with Full-day Kindergarten and French as a second language in Division II. We will be offering Cogito programming from Kindergarten to Grade 6 for the 2021-22 school year.

    We believe:

    • In challenging students to develop their skills, attitudes, and knowledge to foster global citizenship and successful transition between grades and beyond
    • In an environment of partnership, trust, and collaboration with various partners to enhance our community’s academic engagement and citizenry
    • In supporting students, in an inclusive setting, through high-quality learning opportunities and real-life student engagement





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  • School Profile

    School Profile

    Since 1953, Horse Hill School has provided high-quality education to the expanding and celebrated communities of NE Edmonton. Nestled in an idyllic and tranquil setting, Horse Hill is committed to working closely with students, families, and partners ensuring success for all students within a culture of excellence. We are committed to the emotional and social wellness of every child and celebrate our safe and caring school community.


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  • Full day kindergarten

    Full day kindergarten

    Horse Hill School is pleased to offer full day kindergarten programming. Our littlest students benefit from a full day of literacy rich learning experiences. Our full day programming provides ample time to run a balanced program nuturing the whole child, emotionally, socially, physically and academically.

    Kindergarten establishes the concepts and vocabulary that are essential for continued success in school. Kindergarten helps children grow emotionally and socially, and students develop physical coordination, and perceptual skills. Kindergarten focuses on learning through play and experiences.Kindergarten provides concrete (hands on) experiences to help children learn.  

    Students enjoy special guests, in-class presentations and field trips. Kindergarten encourages healthy relationships building.  Teachers coach children in understanding and valuing themselves as positive friends and capable learners.

    GRADES 1-6

    Our program focuses on literacy and numeracy skills, and these skills are intergrated into all subject areas. Assessment for learning strategies are used to involve students in the learning process. Criteria is set and students have a clear understanding of the expectations for each learning task. Assessment for learning allows students to self assess their work and feedback is given from the teacher and peers along the learning journey. Goal setting is a key strategy for success.

    Differientated instruction meets the needs of individual students and their unique learning styles. It is inclusive of many strategies and techniques. Differentiated instruction is flexible and constantly changing to meet existing needs.  Based on this theory, teachers structure learning environments that address the variety of learning styles, interests, and abilities found within the classroom.

    Inquiry and hands on learning provide students with meaningful learning opportunities.  Students learn by asking questions and thinking of big ideas.


    Students in grades four, five and six receive weekly French instruction. The French curriculum is based on the guidelines provided by Alberta Education.


    Students from Kindergarten to grade 6 receive approximately ninety five minutes of music each week. Music learning activities include the following: singing, learning of musical elements, reading and writing music, memory work, inner hearing, listening, part-work, improvisation, movement, and playing instruments.


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  • Registration



    If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school



    If your child(ren) are enrolled for 2024-2025 and you are in need of yellow bussing, please fill in an application form for each child here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSecqK-s4Umfj3hx0EucXCTPr0DCn1Uj-CmJ4PlfL1NnNwuLCw/viewform

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  • Lunch Program

    Lunch Program

    Healthy Foods and ‘Pack in and Pack out’ 

    Please help your child choose wisely, encouraging healthy foods and snacks. We ask students NOT to bring pop, chocolate bars, candy, chips, and/or gum for either snacks or lunch. This creates a healthier environment for the students and reduces the amount of litter. We will not have microwaves or kettles available for student use. Please preheat hot lunches at home and send in thermal containers. At Horse Hill, we practice ‘Pack in and Pack out’, where students take their garbage and leftover food home with them. This helps foster environmental stewardship and allows families to see what they child ate throughout the day.

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    As recipients of a Division Recognition Award in servitude of ALL our students and families, our highly engaged and committed Parent Advisory Association (PAA) is a deeply valued part of the Horse Hill community.  Through their dedicated work, Horse Hill has seen advancements in access to technology, teaching and learning resources, and exciting learning enrichment opportunities for students. The PAA’s fundraising initiatives consistently celebrate quality learning for all students and promote safe and caring learning environments. The PAA is in operation throughout the school year. All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend the monthly meeting, , usually held at 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd Monday of the month. By becoming involved, parents/guardians provide valuable input and gain insight into the education of their children and overall community. Involvement also helps parents gain a greater understanding of school operations and the educational processes. If you are interested in obtaining more information, please contact the school office or come out to one of the monthly meetings.

     The Horse Hill  PAA supports have included, and are certainly not limited to the following:

    • funding cultural and arts events
    • welcome back bar-ba-que, and hot lunch
    • fundraising for technology, literacy supports, school wide activities, and field trips
    • classroom support
    • Supporting Artists in Residence programs.


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  • Clubs & Activities

    Clubs & Activities

    Extra curricular activities are an important part of the elementary school experience. They teach students to become involved citizens and they motivate students to try new experiences.

    Other clubs/activities include (but may vary each year):

    • Recycling Club
    • Running Club 
    • Student Secretaries
    • Props Club
    • Book Club
    • Card Making Club
    • Cooking Club
    • Lego Club
    • Handbell Club
    • Choir
    • Spirit Day Leadership Club

    School Events

    • Turkey Trot
    • Volunteer Tea
    • Juvenile Diabets Walk for the Cure
    • Terry Fox Run
    • EPL 2 Go Van
    • Family Dinner and Math Night
    • School Wide Health Days
    • Alberta Opera
    • Alien Inline Skating
    • Clay for Kids
    • Zumba
    • Jump Rope for Heart

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  • Child Care

    Horse Hill Kidco is run by Director Krista Duke who has been working in childcare for over 20 years. We are open from 7:00 am - 6:00 pm for school aged children. We are a licensed program, and morning snack and afternoon snack are provided.  Our program pricing is flexible based on need, and we also accept subsidy. Please contact Lorissa Vriens via email: lvriens@kidsandcompany.com, 780-499-3606 for further information. We’d love for you to come and play!



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  • Volunteering


    Volunteers are always welcome! 

    Adult volunteers are important members of our school community. Volunteers may become involved in paired reading, or working directly with individual or small groups of students, and carrying out various other tasks in support of the school.

    We value the role that volunteers play at Horse Hill! Our children benefit greatly from all contributions of time that you can give.

    Please ask your child’s teacher or someone in the office for a volunteer registration form and please report to the office and sign in prior to proceeding to classrooms.     



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    We are excited to offer Cogito programming for students in K-6, in addition to our regular program. Space in the Cogito program is limited. Please contact us at (780) 472-6029 to learn more. 

    Cogito is a knowledge-based program with clearly defined standards of achievement and measurable learning objectives. Cogito is dedicated to helping average students maximize their academic potential. Cogito (ko-gi-to) is Latin for, I reason. The program provides a Classic Liberal Arts Education and is designed for the student who is willing to work to achieve a high level of academic excellence in a knowledge-based program, and in a teacher-directed atmosphere of structured and sequenced learning. Critical thinking is stressed. Students work in an environment that promotes self-discipline.

    The unique program characteristics include:

    • Enriched core curriculum
    • Sequenced knowledge content, with emphasis on mastery learning
    • Focus on attention and increased concentration
    • Early literacy developed through explicit phonics instruction
    • Explicit spelling and grammar instruction
    • Strong mental and written math skill development that emphasizes computational and problem solving skills
    • Teachers oriented to a classical approach
    • Direct, whole group instruction
    • Strong work-ethic expected
    • Regular homework required
    • Committed parental support

     Please visit the Edmonton Public Schools Cogito Alternative Program website for helpful program information.





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Welcome to our Horse Hill Community

Horse Hill Programs

Horse Hill is pleased to offer main stream and Cogito programming for grades 1 -6,  Full Day Regular Kindergarten, and Half Day Cogito Kindergarten.


We are full in the following classes for the 2024-2025 year:

For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Horse Hill School is full in planned classes in Kindergarten to Grade 5 in the Cogito program AND Full day Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 4 in the regular program. We will no longer accept enrolment requests for these grade levels in the Cogito program. For the regular program, a Kindergarten student who is a resident and lives in the school's attendance area may still register. We will only accept resident students in Grade 1, 2 or 4 in the regular program whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enrol in another Division school with space in planned classes.

If you are registering for Kindergarten or are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.


New to the Division?

Students who are new to Edmonton Public Schools need to submit a completed Student Registration form. Find the form and list of supporting documents you need to provide. 


Principal's Message

Dear Horse Hill Students, Families and Community,

My name is Nouha El-Ali and I am thrilled to serve as Principal of Horse Hill Elementary. I have had the privilege of working alongside a number of communities within Edmonton Public Schools. I have worked with students and families at Glengarry Elementary School as an elementary teacher, Jasper Place High School as the English Language Learners Coordinator and Social Studies teacher, J. Percy Page High School as the Assistant Department Head of Student Services and Counselor, Westmount Junior High as Assistant Principal, Leadership Development Consultant at the Centre for Education and proudly served the Edith Rogers community as Acting Principal. It is an honour to now have the opportunity to provide support and leadership to Horse Hill Elementary School. I extend an open invitation to everyone to contact me to learn more on how we can provide support and work together to best meet the needs of our community.  

At Horse Hill, a tradition of high standards for achievement and citizenship continues. We support all students through a caring and respectful learning environment and work closely with families to foster students' emotional, academic, and physical development. High quality learning opportunities are provided through community development, enrichment activities, our highly successful Cogito programming and extra-curricular student opportunities.  

We are a collaborative staff of life-long learners who are committed to discovering passions, exploring interests and uncovering strengths.  With the dedication of our exemplary staff, and supportive and informed parents, we challenge students to unveil their potential, embrace learning opportunities and celebrate success. 

We are a community that honours and values our relationships with families and partnerships, working together toward a common goal of student success. On behalf of the entire Horse Hill staff, we look forward to working with you. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further conversation or information.

Warm Regards,

Nouha El-Ali, M.Ed.